Find a Role Model

I interviewed Natalie Ranft. Natalie is a 21-year-old junior from Allentown, Pennsylvania. She is a passionate individual who likes to help others. She has a major in interdisciplinary business management and management information systems with a minor in psychology. Some of Natalie’s career goals are to be a hospital administrator and a hospital administrator at a children’s hospital.

 Some strategies Natalie recommended for studying are to use quizlet because it has tests and flashcards that you can make. She also recommended to find a nice quiet space to study and to take breaks in between studying.

How do you find good campus jobs or off-campus jobs that help build the resume for the profession you're pursuing?

Natalie: “For both on-campus and off-campus jobs you have to network and make connections.
Even if the job you do get has nothing to do with your major you can still gain skills that can build your resume and that you can apply to other jobs that do have something to do with your major”

How do you benefit from different campus events and mixers?

Natalie: “It’s a great way to network! It helps you get comfortable talking to people.”

How do you plan for good internships for second and third summers?

Natalie: “Start to look for internships early. Make sure your resume is up to date. Create cover letters for each internship and make sure they apply to the position you are trying to get. Update your LinkedIn profile and network on there.”

Lastly, how do you participate in meaningful projects, competitions, or activities to develop strong skills over time?

Natalie: Sometimes you have to initiate a project. Be a part of extracurricular activities, and try to get an executive position in the club. Always try to volunteer.

The article I used to compare this to was Planting the Seed: Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Shares Life Lessons by Karen Sudkamp. Some comparisons are that we had a lot about our interviewee’s history and the interviewees gave a lot of advice. Some comparisons are that the interviewee in the article they went incredibly in depth in their answers, whereas in my interview, my interviewee gave brief answers.


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