Stay Current

The article I chose was from the Stanford Social Innovation Review. The article is called "Do Financial Inclusion Efforts Really Have an Impact on Poverty?"

The article is about how financial services like mobile money are getting bigger by the day, but is it improving the lives of those in poverty? The question came up by a man named Fred, he wondered if financial inclusion really made a difference to the poor. With the spread of mobile money, the number of adults without a formal account decreased from 2.5 billion to 2 billion.

Even though financial services across many countries has increased, there is no evidence of improvement amongst the poor. Suri and Jack found that M-Pesa brought 2% of Kenya houses out of poverty in a span of five years. Mobile money enables money management, storage, and information. PFIP (Pacific Financial Inclusion Program) and BFA hope to promote a community that will enrich and improve the methodology.

I learned that even though the mobile money management is growing everyday, the lives of poverty are not improving. 

Some things I plan to do for my upcoming assignments are things like, interview a graduate student that is in the business department, Take notes at each guest lecture so I can be prepared for assignment five and begin planning for company me. I will make sure I work on the at least twice a week so I can make sure they are completed by the deadline. 


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